Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Second Session

Please, stay tuned for our next session coverage video. In this session, we are going to discuss one of the most important topics in our project. 

To attend this program, kindly fill the register form by click on register

انتظروا فيديو تغطية الجلسة القادمة . في الجلسة القادمة سيتم مناقشة موضوع مهم في مشروعنا .

للإشتراك في البرنامج  ، الرجاء ملء استمارة  التسجيل 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

session coverage

The First Rule : Yes, I can do it  

We have agreed that anything can be achieved if only we have the desire and the internal faith. So if we want to achieve our goal , we have to ,COMPLETELY, believe that we will achieve it. Not only that , but also we have to behave in a way that, a normal event will happen, not just a dream we aim to make it true.